How to hide apps on phone?
How to hide apps on phone? Last time I had this question when my girl friend asked me to check out my phone and since that she has not replied to my texts. I opened google and search few things then I thought why should not I write about this as there would be so […]
How to protect my phone? 12 Tips.
How to protect my phone? In this era where we are not secure online, every company is trying to steal our identity, they save everything even when we take step they count. Why they do that, that is another topic for an other day, in this blog I am going to discuss how to protect […]
How to connect Instagram with Facebook Page on mobile?
How to connect Instagram with Facebook Page? Connect Facebook account to Instagram is not that difficult as it seems. I will share with you how to connect Instagram with Facebook page on mobile in very simple steps; Open Instagram App Click on Settings Go to Account Now Link Accounts Facebook Choose where to share Begin […]
How to increase speed of laptop?
Are you tired of slowness of your laptop or computer? and cannot afford new machine for now. Here is how to increase speed of laptop. In this blog I will share the list of things to do to speed up your machine, these simple things can have larger impacts. Here is the list; Update your […]